home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 ifa=0thena=1:load"seq.m/c",8,1
- 2 ifa=1thena=2:load"note.m/c",8,1
- 3 ifa=2thena=3:load"music.m/c",8,1
- 4 ifa=4thensys49239:ty=1:goto52
- 10 poke53280,15:poke53281,15:print"[147][151]"
- 40 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)+12
- 45 print"[147]"
- 50 ifa=3thena=4:load"memory ii",8,1
- 52 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev+27,0:gosub1000
- 54 dimp(11,11),h(121),v(121)
- 55 print"[147]":pl=1
- 60 print" [176][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 70 fort=1to10
- 80 print" [221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221][160][221][160][221][160][221][160][221][160][221] [221]"
- 90 print" [171][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][179] [221]"
- 100 nextt
- 110 print" [221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221][160][221][160][221][160][221][160][221][160][221] [221]"
- 120 print" [173][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 125 c$=""
- 127 gosub130
- 129 goto210
- 130 print""c$"memory"
- 140 printc$"[183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 142 printc$"by"
- 145 printc$"robert"
- 147 printc$"nielsen!"
- 149 printc$"(c) 1990"
- 150 printc$"[157][219][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
- 155 printc$"scores are"
- 160 printc$""p$(1)":"s(1)
- 170 printc$""p$(2)":"s(2)
- 180 printc$"[157][219][192][192][174] [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
- 190 printc$pl"[157][221] [221]dragon"
- 200 printc$"[177][177]"
- 201 print"[166]"
- 205 return
- 210 data0,127,255,0,63,255,0,31,255,0,15,255,0,7,255,0,3,255,0,1,255,0,3,255,0,7
- 220 data255,0,15,191,0,31,31,0,62,15,0,124,7,0,248,3,1,240,1,3,224,0,7,192,0,15
- 230 data128,0,31,0,0,14,0,0,4,0,0
- 240 restore:forn=0to62:readb:poke9920+n,b:nextn
- 245 v=53248
- 250 poke2040,155:pokev,20:pokev+1,70:pokev+39,1:pokev+21,1
- 252 forgh=1to11:forhg=1to11:p(gh,hg)=0:nexthg:nextgh
- 255 f=59:fl=1:p(1,1)=42
- 260 fort=1to120:fl=fl+1:iffl=4thenfl=0:f=f+1
- 270 iff=64thenf=97
- 280 iff=123then300
- 285 x=int(rnd(0)*11)+1:y=int(rnd(0)*11)+1
- 287 ifp(x,y)<>0then285
- 290 p(x,y)=f:h(t)=x:v(t)=y
- 295 print"";-t+120;"[157] ":nextt:print" "
- 300 j=15-(peek(56320)and15)
- 310 ifj=1andpeek(v+1)>70thenpokev+1,peek(v+1)-16
- 320 ifj=2andpeek(v+1)<230thenpokev+1,peek(v+1)+16
- 330 ifj=4andpeek(v)>20thenpokev,peek(v)-16
- 340 ifj=8andpeek(v)<180thenpokev,peek(v)+16
- 350 if(peek(56320)and16)=0then370
- 355 geta$:ifa$="[133]"then700
- 356 ifa$="q"then480
- 357 ifa$="m"andty=1thensys49209:ty=0:goto300
- 358 ifa$="m"andty=0thensys49239:ty=1
- 360 goto300
- 370 h1(po)=((peek(v)-20)/16)*2+2:v1(po)=((peek(v+1)-70)/16)*2+2
- 375 h2(po)=(peek(v)-20)/16+1:v2(po)=(peek(v+1)-70)/16+1
- 376 ifp(h2(po),v2(po))=42then300
- 380 print"";:fort=1toh1(po):print"";:nextt:fort=1tov1(po):print"";:nextt
- 385 print"[129]";chr$(p(h2(po),v2(po)))"[151]"
- 386 ifpo=1thencq=p(h2(1),v2(1)):goto400
- 387 cv=p(h2(0),v2(0))
- 390 pokev+39,12:po=1
- 395 goto300
- 400 ifcq=cvandv2(0)<>v2(1)then430
- 402 ifcq=cvandh2(0)<>h2(1)then430
- 403 ifcq=cvthenpo=1:goto300
- 404 forg=1to500:nextg
- 405 form=0to1
- 410 print"";:fort=1toh1(m):print"";:nextt:fort=1tov1(m):print"";:nextt:print" "
- 420 nextm:pokev+39,1:po=0
- 425 ifpl=1thenpl=2:goto428
- 426 ifpl=2thenpl=1
- 428 gosub130:goto300
- 430 fort=1to128:poke53280,peek(53280)-240+t:nextt:s(pl)=s(pl)+10
- 440 ifcq=122thens(pl)=s(pl)+10
- 445 ifcq=59thens(pl)=s(pl)+20
- 450 gosub130:pokev+39,1:po=0
- 454 forr=0to1
- 455 print"";:fort=1toh1(r):print"";:nextt:fort=1tov1(r):print"";:nextt
- 456 printchr$(p(h2(r),v2(r))):nextr
- 460 p(h2(0),v2(0))=42:p(h2(1),v2(1))=42
- 470 fort=1to11:form=1to11:ifp(t,m)<>42then300
- 475 nextm:nextt
- 480 pokev+21,0
- 490 print"[147]"
- 500 printspc(17)"memory"
- 510 printspc(17)"[183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 520 print" the game has finished and the"
- 530 print" winner is ......."
- 540 ifs(2)>s(1)then560
- 550 print" "p$(1)"!!!!!!!!!":wi(1)=w(1)+1
- 555 print" with"s(1)" points.":goto570
- 560 print" "p$(2)"!!!!!!!!!":wi(2)=w(2)+1
- 565 print" with"s(2)" points."
- 570 print" another game?(y/n)"
- 580 geta$:ifa$=""then580
- 590 ifa$="y"thenrun52
- 600 ifa$="n"thenprint"[147]bye bye.":sys49209:end
- 610 goto580
- 700 ifpeek(v+27)=0thenpokev+27,1:goto300
- 710 pokev+27,0:goto300
- 998 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 999 goto999
- 1000 print"[147]"
- 1010 printspc(17)"memory"
- 1020 printspc(17)"[183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 1030 print" this is a game of memory. use"
- 1040 print" the joystick in port 2 to select"
- 1050 print" a square by pressing fire, moving"
- 1060 print" to another square and pressing"
- 1070 print" fire again. if the two symbols"
- 1080 print" symbols match you win 10 points."
- 1090 print" if the symbols are '[218]' you get"
- 1100 print" 20 points and if they are ';' you"
- 1110 print" get 30 points. game ends when all"
- 1120 print" the squares have been uncovered"
- 1122 print" or 'q' (quit) is pressed.
- 1125 [153]" 'f1' may be pressed to change back-"
- 1127 [153]" ground priority and 'm' for music."
- 1130 [153]" please enter your names now."
- 1140 [133]" player 1:";p$(1)
- 1150 [139][195](p$(1))[177]11[167][153]"onon":[137]1140
- 1160 [133]" player 2:";p$(2)
- 1170 [139][195](p$(2))[177]11[167][153]"onon":[137]1160
- 1180 [142]